1·A Sinatra love ballad sung in Spanish echoes from a corner dive bar.
2·Most cities have local bands that play at the odd dive bar or coffee shop.
3·If he's a head banger, take him to a local dive bar for some gritty rock and roll.
4·Dr.Sketchy's was founded by an art-school dropout named Molly Crabapple in a dive bar in Brooklyn in 2005.
5·The local dive bar might need a replacement for a yawn-inducing pianist or perhaps there's a halftime show at the stadium that has an open slot.
6·A few blocks east, he arrived at Mars Bar, the grimy dive where tourists go in search of authentic punks and authentic punks go to start drinking at midday.
接着他又向东走了几个街区来到Mars Bar酒吧。游客经常来这里寻找真正的朋克,而朋克们常在中午来这里喝酒。
7·No Lie - This is an actual Hollywood (dive) bar. The drink Rebecca is holding cost SIX DOLLARS!